Sunday, June 19, 2005

A Covenant Prayer in the Wesleyan Tradition

I am no longer my own, but thine.
Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt.
Put me to doing, put me to suffering.
Let me be employed by thee or laid aside for thee,
Exalted for thee or brought low for thee.
Let me be full, let me be empty.
Let me have all things, let me have nothing.
I freely and heartily yield all things
To thy pleasure and disposal.
And now, O glorious and blessed God,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
Thou art mine, and I am thine. So be it.
And the covenant which I have made on earth,
Let it be ratified in heaven.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Andy Stanley

"If you see what God sees, you'll do what God says."

Craig Gross from "The Gutter"

"Don't blame the darkness for being dark. Blame the light for not shining on the dark."

"Look, if God hasn't called them to a particular gutter, like secualr musicians, for example, then by all means they shouldn't go into that gutter. But I think they get confused and determine that since they aren't called to that gutter, no one is called to that gutter."

Frederick Buechner

"The place where God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and world's deep hunger meet."

Mark Twain

"Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Dave Lubben


I have come to worship the God of wonders
And I am here to drink from the stream of El Shaddai
I have come to listen to my Creator
And I am here to lift up the name of Jesus Christ
If you are searching you'll find peace in Him
If you are searching you'll find true love from Him

Let's give Him our hearts Let's give Him our breath
Let's take time to thank Him for dying our death
Let's give Him our voice Let's lift up our hands
Let's give Him our lives Let's surrender to Him

I surrender to You
Father, I surrender to You
Jesus, I surrender to You
Spirit, I surrender to You
Let's Give him our hearts

Monday, May 09, 2005

Mark Driscoll

"Bible reading should be dangerous to my life and the status quo - transformation is better than information."

Sunday, May 08, 2005

From "The Church in Emerging Culture"

"This is because those who are baptized belong to another, and this cannot pander to individualism, while all who participate in the Eucharist 'get the same portion:' there is no hierarchy of money, buying power, or self-idolatry."

Mike Yaconelli

"Growing up I heard about the dangers of "drinking the cup in an unworthy manner" - how the Lord's Supper was only for professin Christians. The proof text, of course, was always 1 Corinthians 11 v 29 'For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on himself.' Since most Christians assume that all humanity is doomed apart from Christ, just how much would taking the elements affect a so-called unbeliever's fate? Would they go to hell twice? Or might it be a powerful experience with the story of Christ?"

DA Carson

"One reason why the movement has mushroomed so quickly is that it is bringing to focus a lot of hazy perceptions already widely circulation in the culture. It is articulating crisply and polemically what many pastors and others were already beginning to think, even though they did not enjoy - until the leaders of this movement came along - any champions who put their amorphous malaise into perspective."

Karl Barth

"God is God, not man writ large."

"The task of Christian communication was to sit with the newspaper in one hand and the Bible in the other."

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

"Jesus calls men, not to a new religion, but to life."

Karl Brandl, personal physcian to Hitler

"The Fuhrer was of the opinion that killing the incurably ill would be easier and smoother to carry out in wartime, since the public resistance of the churches would not play such a prominent role amidst the events of wartime as it otherwise would."

Brian McLaren from "The Last Word... And the Word After That"

"What if I modified or jettisoned my orthodox idea of hell? What would go with it? ... Could and would people be good without hell looming beyond death? Was hell a necessary deterrent to evil behavior?"

"If faith become enmeshed, not just engaged, with culture, Neil said, people hardly notice - until a wave of cultural change hits. Then, when people want to move on from that fading culture, when they want to be part of the new wave, they feel they must leave behind their faith as well. Their only alternative is to try to disengage their faith as well. Their only alternative is to try to disengage their faith from the fading culture, but this is one of the most painful things a person can do - mentally painful, spiritually painful, he said."

" 'From beginning to end,' he said to me on day that first fall when we met, 'out faith is situated. It's an unfolding story, and every story requires a setting. It's news - and not just news that happened but news that's still happening, and that means it requires a context. It's an ongoing movement and message that always take place in a medium. It's all about incarnation - about God entering and embracing our story. So if you want to abandon the story, if you want to get out of time and culture and into some timeless neutral zone above the fray, you're trying to get out of the very thing God is deeply into. Maybe some other religion or philosophy can deal with timelessness, but not real Christianity. It's forever timely, not timeless.' "

"We don't just hear the story or believe it, he said, but it enter us, and we enter it: 'The story of your life is taken up into this larger story, so you inhabit it, become part of it, experience it, and extend it,' he said. 'It become your way of life, your life story.' "

"Was she changing her views on homosexuality, or was her kindness - Southern or Christian - making those views irrelevant."

"I could feel the gears turning, but I couldn't wrestle anything into words."

"Could the same sort of thing be happening today? Could the so-called war on tyrosine be keeping the churches here in America from speaking prophetically to the state?...And could our preoccupation with individual salvation from hell after death distract us from speaking prophetically about injustice in our world today?"

"Because when we talk about hell, it's generally not to unsettle ourselves. It's generally the opposite - to reassure ourselves, so we think, 'Aren't we glad we're insiders with God and going to heaven? Isn't it a shame those other people are so bad and wrong and going to hell?' It's part of a system that reinforces us - them thinking I guess - to strength the 'us' identify. Sometimes I guess we might use hell to motivate people to try to evangelize others: 'They're going to hell, so don't you want to reach out to them?' "

"That truth and reconciliation should be the last word. That the goal is shalom."

Lesslie Newbigin

"We must start with the basic fact that there is no such thing as a pure gospel if by that is meant something which is not embodied in a culture...Every interpretation of the gospel is embodied in some cultural form." (The Gospel in a Pluralist Society)

Brian McLaren from "The Story We Find Ourselves In"

"Actually...if you get a feel for this story we find ourselves in, I think you'll come to realize that it has room for all the other stories too. It doesn't exclude them, or mock them, or despise them. I believe it's the story in which all other stories can find themselves too."

"That matter comes from an idea in the mind of God, an idea that is expressed in a meaning - making word, "Let there BE...?"

"The Jewish story says the world as created was good, even very good. But it didn't say perfect. Perfect is more of a Greek concept. Can you see that? Perfect has all the baggage of Greek idealism: ideal, unchanging, complete, fully formed, all that stuff. But that's not the universe that God creates, as I read the story, especially in light of science, and even more, in light of a later part of the story that is more eschatalogical."

"To be called, to hear your calling, or to find your vocation are all ways of saying that you have signed up with this higher purpose or mission in life. You're not just here for your own agenda, or for a company agenda. You wnt to be part of God's ongoing creation of the world - agains all the forces that are working against that creative process. You want the wold to become the kind of world God dreams for it to be."

"Go back before creation. If God is the only thing that exists, and the only being that is, then God needs to creat time, so that the universe can be itself, become itself, with some kind of freedoms and authenticity. Otherwise, it's just a puppet universe that's rea, I think we would expect it to happen just as evolution says: the universe would develop, over time, writing its own story, so to speak. It's a story of becoming, of unfolding, of novelties emerging and possibilities being explored and diversity flowering. And best of all, it's not finnished yet. We're still in process, still young, still moving ahead toward what we're going to be when we're all 'grown up.' And each of us, through our lives, through our choices, by cooperating with God or by withholding or cooperation, plays a part in the continuing evolution of God's creation."

"And for the disciple to call Jesus master would mean... yes, it would mean that no one else could take the raw materials of life - skin and bone and blood and space and time and words and deeds and waking and sleeping and eating and walking - and elicit from them a beautiful song of truth and goodnes as Jesus did."

"As members of the church of Jesus Christ, we must fulfill our national duties within the context of out larger global calling: to go into the whole world with God's saving love."

"Jesus really was, and is, about saving more than just human souls after they die. He really is about saving the world - human history, creation, the whole thing, the whole process from beginning to end, as you said, from alpha to omega. So I guess what you're helping me to see is that the whole idea of the incarnation of Christ is far more radical than we realize. It's not just God entering creation, and especially human history. It's God taking creation, including human history, into his heart, and declearing eternal solidarity with it. He's really with us in... the process, the story, the unfolding."

"On the back wall was an especially moving painting. The quotation had to do with work being the prayer of our hands, and there were many brown, weathered hands pictured, one holding a fishing net, one working in a garder, one holding a chald to a blackboard, one cooking, one holding nothing, but clearly showing a scar in the palm."

Brian McLaren from "A New Kind of Christian"

"Instead of approaching it with out modern assumptions and expectations and our aggressive analysis, maybe we need to read it less like scholars and more like humble seekers trying to learn whatever we can from it, in the context of out sincere desire to live for God and do what he wants."

"What if instead of reading the Bible you let the Bible read you?"

"We need to flirt with it, romance it - or maybe let its message romance us."

"A good hearted person might respond, 'I love my neighbor, and if you're offering me something that my neighbors can't have, then I don't want it.' However, if it were put in the service context, so that we are chosen by God not for privilege but for service, the reverse would be true: 'I love my neighbors and if receiving God's salvation will help them, then I want it' "

"The church exists, he said, to be a catalyst of the kingdom. In other words, it doesn't just exist for its own aggradizement. It exists for the benefit of the kingdom of God, something bigger than itself."

"God's kingdom is a reality that both inhabits history and transceds it. The kingdom he said, is where the historical and the eternal come together."

"So getting paid to love God can make it hard to love God."

"Instead of telling people to go do something at home, we do them a favor by helping them do it now."

"But Jesus didn't get crucified for being exclusive; he was hated and crucified for the reverse - for opening the windows of grace and the doors of heaven to the tax collectors and prostitutes, the half-breeds and ultimately even the Gentiles."

"Let's say that the essence of out identity as people of God isn't that we're an elite, saved for privilege, but ordinary people saved for service, for responsibility."

"Salvation is what we experience and spread in the process of joining God in his grand mission of course this is not a works/earning/self-justification thing - it's all about God's grace from start to finish. But the focus moves from me to God, from my plan for myself to God's plan for the whole world (not just 'wonderful plan for my life').

CS Lewis

"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen - not only because I see it, but because by it, I see everything else."

"The war creates no absolutely new situation, it simply aggravates the permanent human situation so that we can no longer ignore it."

"Tirian had never dreamed that one of the results of an Ape's setting up a false Aslan would be to stop people from believing in the real one." (The Last Battle)

" 'You would not have called to me unless I had been calling to you.' said the Lion[Aslan]." (The Silver Chair)

Larry J. Peacock

"As frozen ground thaws, gentle God,
also soften my hard attitudes
and melt my cold heart.
Ready me for new life.
Tender my soul for the arrival of spring.
Let Easter happen in me and all around me.
Warm my expectations
and make me ready for what you have prepared
as I deepen my prayer
and my walk with you.


"It is better to 'be' the Christianity you speak of than to speak of the Christianity you expect from others"

John Wesley

"Nay, with regard to the Holy Scriptures themselves, as careful as they are to avoid it, the best of men are liable to mistake, and do mistake day by day; especially with respect to those parts thereof which less immediately relate to practice. Hence even the children of God are not agreed as to the interpretation of many places in holy writ: Nor is their difference of opinion any proof that they are not the children of God on either side; but it is a proof that we are no more to expect any living man to be infallible than to be omniscient."

Daniel L. Migliore

"WHETHER BAPTIZED as children or adults, our baptism signifies primarily what God has graciously done for us, and it is upon this that faith rests. It can be argued that the two forms of baptism—infant and adult—together express the full meaning of baptism better than each would alone. In other words, their meanings are complementary rather than mutually exclusive."

Martin Luther

"BAPTISM IS VALID, even though faith be wanting. For my faith does not make baptism, but receives it."

Alan W. Jones

"IN THE WATERS of baptism we are reminded that we are not born in a vacuum, nor do we journey entirely alone (although loneliness is often part of the burden). Being reborn, being made alive, involves being born into a community. So there are strings attached to this adventure."

Eugene Peterson

"Rather than ask, 'How many people have I talked to about Christ this week?' we should ask, 'How many people have I listened to in Christ this week?' "

Oswald Chambers

"Faith, however, is not intellectual understanding; faith is a deliberate commitment to the Person of Jesus Christ, even when I can’t see the way ahead."

Rubem Alves, a Brazilian theologian and psychologist

“Today there are no reasons for optimism. Today it is only possible to have hope. Hope is opposed to optimism. Optimism exists when it is spring outside and then it is spring inside. Hope exists when there is drought outside and still there are fountains of water bubbling in the heart. Optimism is joy ‘because of’ something human, something natural. Hope is joy ‘in spite of’; it is a divine thing. Optimism is having roots in time. Hope is having roots in eternity. The optimism is fed by big things. Without them, optimism dies. Hope is fed by small things. Hope blooms in small things. It is enough to be a strawberry at the abyss’s border.” (from A Esparanica De Paz Nos Vem de Uma Crianca, by Tania Mara Viera Sampaio)

Desmond Tutu

"We cannot be facile and say bygones will be bygones, because they will not be bygones and will return to haunt us. True reconciliation is never cheap, for it is based on forgiveness, which is costly. Forgiveness in turn depends on repentance, which has to be based on an acknowledgment of what was done wrong, and therefore on disclosure of the truth. You cannot forgive what you do not know."

"We want our society to be characterised by vigorous debate and dissent, where to disagree is part and parcel of a vibrant community ... and not think that those who disagree, who express dissent, are disloyal or unpatriotic."

"When European missionaries came, the Africans had the land and the Europeans had the Bible. The Europeans asked the Africans to close their eyes in prayer. When they said amen and opened their eyes, the Europeans had the land and the Africans had the Bible. But the Africans got the better end of the deal because the Bible then gave them the rationale to ask for their land to be returned and their rights respected."

Charles Spurgeon

But this reminds me of that old Spurgeon story where someone asked him, "How can God send a man to hell if he's never heard the Gospel?" To which Spurgeon supposedly replied, "How can God let a man go to heaven who has the good news and doesn't share it?"

Elizabeth Kepley

"I know what liberty is, because I know what slavery was."

David Livingstone

"God had only one Son and he made him a missionary."

Mississippi Burnings

"He was guilty. Anyone who just lets this happen is guilty. He was just as guilty as the fanatics who pulled the trigger. He was guilty all right. Maybe we all are."

G.K. Chesterton

"Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found hard and left untried."

George Bernard Shaw

"THE WORST SIN towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them; that's the essence of inhumanity."

Corrie TenBoom

"You may never know that JESUS is all you need, until JESUS is all you have."


"Or so arrogant as to believe that the true wonder of Divinity can be properly expressed in the weak languages of man."

"O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who have most need of your mercy."

"God's character never changes. But his ways and means of accomplishing his purpose always will."

"Blessed are Thou, O LORD our God, King of the Universe, that you have commanded us to observe the Sabbath day and keep it holy. "

"My mission is to burn brightly within my ciricle of influence, to love deeply, to learn, and leave a legacy."